Unsubscribing from Emails

If you’re new to one-click unsubscribe, we’ve got you covered. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know to comply with the new sender requirements and guarantee a top-notch experience for your users.

What has changed?

June 1st 2024 saw a change to Google and Yahoo email sender requirements. 

They have implemented a change to their email sender requirements to protect their users from spam and unwanted emails. 

While the new sending requirements cover a range of guidelines, a significant part of the change specifically targets unsubscribe.

Note: The one-click unsubscribe requirements do not affect transactional emails, which the majority of communications sent from Rosterfy would be (such as user registration, confirmation emails, etc.).

One-click unsubscribe is just one part of a bigger movement towards better digital experiences. These changes are meant to ensure that users actually get the mail they want delivered, including yours!

Compared to some of the other compliance requirements, one-click unsubscribe is one of the easier features to implement.

The goal for Google and Yahoo is to ensure that their users are not receiving unwanted emails and is therefore taking steps to protect that goal. Rosterfy supports this approach and is ensuring emails that come from Rosterfy are compliant with their rules to ensure continued delivery to your users.

What is one-click unsubscribe?

One-click unsubscribe is a user-friendly feature embedded directly within the email interface that lets subscribers instantly opt out of marketing material with a single click. No more hunting for links, no more secondary confirmation pages with surveys - Just point, click and you’re unsubscribed. 

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 6.04.45 PM

Why is one-click unsubscribe important?

  • User Empowerment: One-click unsubscribe respects your user’s time and decisions and shows you care. It eliminates the frustrating treasure hunt for the unsubscribe link and often tedious, multi-step process that follows.
  • Improved Email Hygiene: When your recipients clean up their inboxes, they’re able to find the emails they actually want, including yours.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Laws like CAN-SPAM in the United States and GDPR in Europe mandate that opting out of email communications should be straightforward.
  • Fewer Spam Complaints: When subscribers can’t find the unsubscribe button, they turn to the next best thing: the Mark as Spam button. One-click unsubscribe lets users opt of our your marketing messages with a single click, even faster than marking as spam.
  • More Engaged Readers: When unsubscribing is easy, those who stay are more likely to be genuinely interested in your content. This leads to a more engaged, responsive and valuable audience for your emails.

What’s changed in Rosterfy?

To implement one-click unsubscribe for all emails sent from Rosterfy, we have added a few new features, and made some updates to some old ones:

  • All users now have a subscribed status for both marketing and transactional (System notification) emails, meaning they can subscribe from either or both.
    The unsubscribe button will be linked to the type of email sent.

    For example, if a user unsubscribes from transactional emails, then any emails sent from an automation, reminders, or interactions with the system will be blocked.
    The exception to this is for Forgot Password and security alert emails, these cannot be unsubscribed.
  • You can now implement Subscribe to transactional emails as a field within any form.

Note: You do not have to implement this change allowing users to unsubscribe from emails within Rosterfy, however it will also mean they cannot resubscribe in the future if they do unsubscribe at any time.

What do I need to do?

If you are using the ‘Out of the Box’ permission form in the Users profile, then no action is required. We have added the new permission into the form for you. 

If you are using a custom permissions form, we recommend adding in the Subscribe to Transactional Emails field so users can manage their subscriptions within Rosterfy.

If you want to send communications from your own domain, Rosterfy can turn off the one-click unsubscribe feature for you. The risk posed is that Google and Yahoo may block your emails. This is not recommended, however if you do not qualify as a bulk sender according to their requirements, it may be something you could consider.


As long as the content you are sending to your users is relevant and engaging, this change will have limited impact. 

To see more regarding emails from Rosterfy, check out the Emails Overview article.