Sterling Volunteers Integration

Perform background checks with ease using our integration with our partner Sterling Volunteers. Receive updates on background checks directly into Rosterfy to automate your user journey.


Sterling Volunteers

Sterling Volunteers Integration

Need global background screening? Rosterfy and sterling have you covered with our smart integration that's perfect for Non-profits, charities and regulated events.

Rosterfy and Sterling volunteers are able to integrate so that a volunteers are able to have their information that was captured in Rosterfy sent to Sterling, and then the status/result of the check can feed back into Rosterfy and trigger automations. 


Note: Please keep in mind that some integrations may require extra support or incur additional costs for implementation with your Rosterfy subscription.


Setting up the Integration

To setup the integration, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations in Rosterfy.
  2. Search for Sterling Volunteers and select Enable > Authorize.
  3. You will then be prompted to Login the credentials used here are specific to the integration. They are not your Rosterfy or Sterling volunteers credentials.

    NOTE: You will need to contact your Sterling Account Manager to obtain the credentials specific for integrating with Rosterfy. You will not be able to progress with the integration without these.

  4. Once you input a valid username and password, the system will fetch the available packages from your Sterling account and display them for you.
    If the username or password is invalid, this will fail. Please contact your Sterling Account Manager for correct integration specific credentials to be able to proceed. 
  5. The integration is now setup one way, the Sterling Volunteers integration page will now have the available links for you to share with your users to initiate an order.

Setting up Two-Way Integration

If you would like the integration to be two-way so that the information flows back into Rosterfy from Sterling Volunteers you will need to contact your Sterling Account Manager for assistance.
It is possible to get the callbacks from Sterling, meaning when an order is updated in Sterling it updates in Rosterfy, however this can only be setup by your Sterling Account Manger.

NOTE: You will need to request your Sterling Account Manager to contact the Rosterfy team to complete the two-way integration. 


Volunteer Experience

When a volunteer received a link to a Sterling background check, they will be directed to a specific page in the portal. Before an order can be created, the Users account is checked for the following fields:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address

If any of these fields are not complete, the User will be prompted to add/update them. Sterling will also check the zip code provided is valid for the state the user provides.

The user will be asked to update any details that are incomplete. 

Once all details are complete and valid, an order will be automatically created on Sterling and the user will see an updated screen.

The user will then need to proceed to Sterling to complete the final details of the background check.


What are the Limitations?

  • You will require unique credentials to complete the integration, this is available from your Sterling Volunteers Account Manager.
  • To allow two-way integration, your Sterling Account Manager will need to get in contact with the Rosterfy team to complete the integration.
  • Users will need to be logged into Rosterfy to complete the order. If they are sent a link in an email, after clicking the link they will be prompted to login to Rosterfy, if they are not currently logged in.
  • Users must provide complete details for Name, Date of Birth, Address and Zip Code.
  • Available in the US only.


For more information on available integrations, check out the Integrations - Overview article.