To send a contract or document to be signed, with the Adobe Sign Integration, to a user an automation must be used. There is a lot of flexibility on when to send it using the Automation Task.
One example is sending the document when an event has been applied for. The workflow to set this up is detailed below.
Check Training
Before starting on the Automation to send the Contract after Training. Check the training you will send the contract after has been created. Access the Training page Users > Training.
In this example we will use 'Introductory Training' as highlighted in the red box below.
You can find more information on training in the Training Overview.
Setting up the Automation
1. Access the automations list on Rosterfy. You do this by following Settings > Advanced > Automations.
2. Click on the Create button (see below in the red box). To start the process of creating a new automation.
3. Name the automation in the Name field. In this example we have used 'Send contract when training is completed'.
4. In the tasks drop down field select Training - Complete (see below in the red box). This is the task that will run every time a user completes the registration form.
5. Set the Delay on the task by using the drop down fields. (In this example we are setting no delay. When a the training is completed this Task will run at that moment. If you wanted it to run at a later time you can set the delay accordingly).
6. Click the blue Save button. This will then extend the page with Rules and Actions.
7. In Rules (highlighted below in a yellow box) set the first drop down box to Training ID. The dropdown box directly below is set to Is Equal To. The Third dropdown is set to the training that, when completed, will trigger the sending of the contract.
8. Click the Add button (highlighted in red box below).
9. In the Add Action Pop up there will be 3 tabs. First complete the tab General.
10. Name the action. Describe what it will be doing. In this scenario we have 'send contract'.
11. In the Action drop down box (highlighted in a red box below) select Send User Contract.
12. In this scenario ignore the second delay option as we want to send it right away.
13. Skip the Rules tab as it requires no additional rules to send.
14. Click on the Options tab (highlighted in a yellow box below)
15. In the Contract dropdown box (highlighted in a red box below) select the contract that is to be sent to the User. We have selected 'Template Contract'.
16. Click Submit (highlighted in the yellow box below)
17. Click on Save to save any changes and finalise the creation of the Automation.
18. The Automation has now been created. Whenever a User completed the training, 'Introductory Training', Adobe Sign will send the contract to the User Email Address.
Some other times when you might want to send the contract/document to be signed:
Sending a Contract on Account Creation