This document will provide an overview of the features/updates the product development team has delivered in Sprint SPO78 (9 July 2024 Release)
What’s New 🚀
Waiver as a field type
New field type called ‘Waiver’ which will allow recording of a signature and the date the waiver was signed. This is only available when the account setting is activated. For admins they need to have the right permission to create, read, update and delete the waiver content (Which the user will see and sign)
When the setting is turned on and the admin has the right access they can start creating the contents by accessing the waiver menu from the side bar as shown below.
Now the admin can add the waiver to relevant forms.
Note- Waivers are form specific which means an event user waiver can not be selected on role offer user form. The waivers can only be added to a form that will update the user and not create. This means waiver can be added on user interaction form but not on user registration forms.
In the portal, user sees and sign the waivers as shown below
When impersonating there will be slight changes as shown below
Option to update the report owner
Reports can be now filtered based on who created the report. Bulk actions can be performed to update the report owners.
💡How this helps
This will help to keep the reports even if the admin has left the organisation or when the admin access is removed from a person.
Updates to form actions and listings
A column manager has been added to the Forms listing, meaning, the columns that display can be adjusted by admins. New columns, including the form close date/time have been added.
Can bulk update form listing
Can archive forms
Timezone selector in the admin console advanced filters
Advanced filters for dates will now have a timezone selector to filter the results based on the chosen timezone. The filter can also be saved based on the selected timezone.
The default account and user timezones will be listed in the top of the timezone selector dropdown.
💡How this helps
This helps admins to filter the results based on different timezones such as account’s timezone or events and opportunities that are happening across different timezones than that of logged in admins/account timezone.
Settings to include deleted user counts across checkpoints, Role offer user statistics, and events and shift user statistics
New settings have been added which when enabled will count the deleted users in checkpoint counts, event and shift user statistics, and role offer user statistics.
New account settings:
- Events tab: Allow deleted Users to contribute to Event User and Shift User stats.
- Headcount tab: Allow deleted Users to contribute to RoleOffer User stats.
- User tab: Allow deleted Users to contribute to Checkpoint counts
💡How this helps
This will help to get an actual overview of the statistics even if the user account is deleted. For example, to get actual statistics of the number of users who attended an event.
Enhanced visibility and updates for inventory serial numbers
A new 'serials' tab has been added to the inventory item update page.
This will allow serial numbers to be easily viewed, added or deleted.
Ability to import inventory serial numbers
Item serial numbers can now be imported in bulk for inventory items.
Update an item, go to the 'Serials' tab and then Actions to access the import serials option.
Controls to limit how many times an inventory item can be distributed to the same user
Limits can be set on items to restrict the number of times an item can be distributed to one user.
- 0= unlimited times the item can be assigned. If need to limit the number should be 1,2,3, etc.
- Automations and actions will assign items if the user has not reached the limits set on the item.
- When an admin tries to assign an item to a user and if the limit has reached the admin will be provided with a warning. Admin can override the warning and assign items if needed.