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Product Updates - (SP077) - 19 June 2024

This document will provide an overview of the features/updates the product development team has delivered in Sprint SPO77 (19 June 2024 Release)

What’s New 🚀

Set a default value for user fields on registration form

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A default value can now be set for User fields on User Registration Forms (including invitations). 

To add a default value, update any user field (except files and encrypted fields), head to the advanced tab, and set the default value. When users then access the field via a registration form, the user can change the value, and they will then see the updated value whenever they access that field from therein. 

💡How this helps

Administrators can help save time for users by setting common responses as the default value or encourage a particular response by setting a value. 

Merge User Actions

Within the Duplicates menu, there is a new ‘Actions’ tab. Within the tab, administrators can set up automation actions to occur once the merge takes place.

This will allow automatic notifications to be sent to the user to inform them of the merge. To support this, a new mail merge tag is available to include in emails

‘Old user email’

💡How this helps

Removes the need for administrators to manually perform actions after two user accounts are merged.

New ‘Start Date/Time - Date’ filter

A new filter ‘Start Date/Time - Date’ has been introduced. This filter allows for filtering based on the date, not the time. This filter allows administrators to search based on events or shifts starting on a particular date, or ‘today’ for example.

💡How this helps

Allows administrators to create more filters based on date, without needing to set a time. 

Impersonate a Family Member

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In the sidebar of the portal, ‘family managers’ are now able to switch between their account, and the account of their family members. 

When the family manager is using the platform as a family member, there will be a banner across the top of the page informing them they are impersonating a family member.

When a family manager impersonates a family member:

  • The security tab is hidden to prevent the family manager updating the family member’s password.
  • The family manager can apply to shifts on behalf of that family member
  • The family manager can apply to roles and complete journey’s on behalf of that family member.

Promote ‘family member’ to own user and send invite 

Administrators can now promote family members to be their own independent user in the system, so that they can login and use the platform on their own.

A popup will appear allowing the admin to make any updates to the users personal details. The user will then be sent an invite to join the system (set a password).

Rules for promoting family members:

  • An admin is able to promote any family member to a full user as long as the user meets the account minimum age, and the user has a unique email address
  • The user is then able to be sent a password reset email
  • The user is then able to login to the platform after setting a password
  • The family manager is not able to promote the user themselves in the portal

💡How this helps

Allows administrators to make users independent easily. This is particularly useful when users reach an age where they are able to manage their account themselves. 

New form types to manage family 

Two new form types have been added to manage family members. This will allow us to add fields to the create and update family members forms. Two new form types have been added to help gather information relevant to a family member:

  • Family Member Registration (creates family member)
  • Family Member Update (updates family member details)

Forms created using these form types can be set as the account default forms via new account settings. 

💡How this helps

When this is implemented, the family manager is then able to fill out the form for the family member from their profile page. Allows more information to be collected about family members.

New certificate merge tags 

New merge tags added to certificates.

  • User first attended shift date

  • User last attended shift date

  • User shift hours by event type

Add note when removing a user from subaccount 

When removing a user from a sub account, the admin need to add notes to proceed with removing the user.

💡How this helps

When a user is in a deactivated checkpoint but still on any tournament and when the admin wants to remove the user from the tournament, they need to add notes which will give clarity to other admins why the user was removed.

Minor Enhancements / Fixes ☑️

Show group header when selecting/searching filters

When performing advanced search, now the module heading will be displayed for easy identification of the required filters.



Page controls on top of listings

Page controls can be enabled on top of the listings. This will help to scroll to the next page and control pages easily without needing to go to the bottom of the page to handle pages.



Check in widget updates

Added a grand total row to see the total number of checked-in volunteers on the dashboard. Can browse into future events/shifts and the widget will show available demand instead of checked in demand.


Twitter logo update to X 



Can make shifts public when importing shifts 

When importing shifts, it can be marked as public.


Total activity hours under user activity report



Auto verify email when  MFA is enabled while registering 

Fixed sub account terminology issue in the portal