PayPal Integration

Rosterfy + PayPal integration allows you to process payments from your Users by connecting your PayPal account.


Pay Pal

PayPal Integration

Rosterfy + PayPal integration allows you to process payments from your Users by connecting your PayPal account.

The integration allows you to collect payments from your Users in a secure way.

Once the payment has been processed, PayPal will update Rosterfy to notify that the payment is completed. It is also possible to trigger automations based on the payments.

The payment information can be tracked on the User update page as well as via the payment navigation.


Note: Please keep in mind that some integrations may require extra support or incur additional costs for implementation with your Rosterfy subscription.


What are the Limitations?

  • This integration is available on User Interaction & Event User Interaction form types.
  • Possible to be extended for use on more form types, with consultation with Rosterfy.
  • Can be set up to be conditional on the forms.


For more information on available integrations, check out the Integrations - Overview article.