Instructions for how to setup and use the Rosterfy + Nation Builder integration
The Rosterfy / Nation Builder integration allows you to send data from Rosterfy to Nation Builder CRM. It is a bi-drectional integration meaning out of the box, data only flows both to and from Rosterfy to Nation Builder. Rosterfy uses the ‘signups’ module of Nation Builder to link a Rosterfy user to Nation Builder. It is also possible to sync memberships and tags from Nation Builder to Rosterfy. Rosterfy performs the sync in two methods. The first is we listen for webhooks from NB to create or update users in Rosterfy. The second is we perform a sync every 3 hours for any data that has updated in NB. NB states their webhooks can be unreliable therefore the sync acts as a backup. We also offer a one time import when the integration is first enabled to do a scan of all signups in NB and import those users into Rosterfy.
How is the integration setup?
Navigate to Settings > Integrations in Rosterfy
Search for Nation Builders and select enable
Input the Nation Builders Resource URL eg.
Login using your Nation Builder credentials.
Authorize the Rosterfy API calling the Nation Builders API (user prompt)
Below are the settings you can use to configure how Rosterfy will interact with NB
Only Sync Nation Builder Volunteers
Rosterfy will apply a filter of ‘is_volunteer’ = true to all signups in NB. We will then ignore any signup that does not have this value set
Create new Nation Builder signups as Rosterfy Users
When Rosterfy received a webhook, or during a sync event, if Rosterfy finds a user with an email that doesn’t exist in Rosterfy they will be created as a new user. If Rosterfy has already recorded the NB Signup ID to a user in Rosterfy then the record is ignored
Send Invite to new Users
Based on the above, if a user is created, this email template will be sent to this user
Users created in Rosterfy added to NationBuilder
When a new user is created in Rosterfy, add them as a user in NB
Delete Users on NationBuilder when deleted on Rosterfy
When a user is deleted on Rosterfy, the signup should be deleted on NB. Note, you can only enable this delete if you disable the one below
Update Users on NationBuilder remove 'is_volunteer' when deleted on Rosterfy
This will mean when a user is deleted on Rosterfy, we will remove the ‘is_volunteer’ true value on NB. This can only be used if the first setting is enabled. This allows the customer to retain the persons information in NB, however they would not be synced to Rosterfy in future if the user is updated in NB again because the is_volunteer is removed.
Syncing custom fields from Rosterfy
Rosterfy out of the box will automatically sync the following fields 2 way. This means updates to any of these fields in either system will update the other system
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Date of Birth (born_at in NB)
External ID (Set to Rosterfy ID)
Other fields that are out of the box in Nation Builder can then be mapped as shown below. Each field you can choose if it is to map
Two way - updates to either system will cause a sync
Only into Rosterfy - updates from NB will be updated in Rosterfy (either from a webhook or a sync), however if updated in Rosterfy will not be sent to NB
Only into NB - updates from Rosterfy will be updated into NB in realtime, however any updates in NB will be ignored

You also can set to sync tags and memberships into a Rosterfy field. These fields are unique because when Rosterfy gets an update to these fields, we will create an option in Rosterfy if it doesn’t already exist. This means if you add a new tag into NB for a signup, we will automatically add it to the option list for that multi-select field when we get the webhook about it. Then any future uses of that tag will use that option.
Initial Sync
When you first enable the integration, and have setup your custom fields, you may want to do a sync to get your existing users into Rosterfy. You can do this using the action menu as shown below. This action will call the NB API for all signups (or just those that have is-volunteer as noted in the settings) and create them as a user in Rosterfy. If the setting to send an invite is enabled then they will also be sent an invite. This will only be for users whose email does not already exist in Rosterfy. You can re-run this in future, however it will again only bring in new signups whose email is not already in Rosterfy

What are the limitations?
Memberships and tagging are only one way. Updates to those fields in Rosterfy will not be reflected in NB.
The ‘value’ for any field that is used to sync memberships or tags need to be the ID of the tag in NB. This means the value may be a number. The label of the option on the field will match what is visible in NB