Mail Merge Tags

Mail merge tags offer a convenient method for incorporating dynamic content into your emails. This feature enables you to customise your emails or email templates for each individual recipient, enhancing personalisation and engagement.

Mail Merge Tags

Within Rosterfy, you can use mail merge tags to generate information such as Event and Shift details, Confirmation or Withdrawal links, etc. on your email communications.

A great example of this, is you can allow users to confirm/withdraw shifts via email, updating their status on a roster without having to log in to Rosterfy.

Mail merge tags in Rosterfy are broken into field types:

  • User
  • Role Offer
  • Role Offer User
  • Event
  • Event Shift
  • Event Shift User

To ensure the mail merge tags populate with the correct information, these merge tags will require the communication to be sent from specific parts of Rosterfy, as per the table below:

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Custom Mail Merge Tags

Rosterfy ‘Out of the Box’ will have a number of mail merge tags available, however you can also create your own, made up of existing mail merge tags.

This can be useful, for example if you wanted to create a shift details mail merge tag to include:

  • The Shift Name
  • Shift Date
  • Shift Time

All custom mail merge tags are located in the Settings tab > Merge Tags.

Here you will be able to see all existing custom mail merge tags and be able to add new ones.

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To create a new custom mail merge tag, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab > Merge Tags, then click Create.
  2. On the Custom Mail Merge page, enter the name of the new mail merge tag, the tag field will auto populate with the tag that can be used in emails for mail merge.
    Mail Merge - Create
  3. You can use the Mail Merge button in the text editor to define the content that you would like this new mail merge tag to populate in emails.Mail Merge - Define 2
  4. Once you have finalised your content, click Save. A confirmation message will display once the new mail merge tag has been created.

For more information on all things emails, check out the Email Overview article.


Available Merge Tags

See below for a full list of mail merge tags available on Rosterfy:



Field Name Mail Merge Tag
First Name *|user_first_name|*
Middle Name *|user_middle_name|* 
Last Name *|user_last_name|* 
Full Name *|user_name|* 
Preferred First Name *|user_preferred_first_name|*
Date of Birth *|user_dob|* 
Email *|user_email|* 
Phone Number *|user_phone|*
Address *|user_address|*
Interests *|user_interests|* 
User ID *|user_id|*
User Token ID *|user_id_token|* 
User RRN *|user_rrn|*
Subscribed to Marketing Communication *|user_is_subscribed|*
QR Code *|user_qr_code|*
Created At *|user_created_at|*
Updated At *|user_updated_at|*
User Shift Hours for Event *|user_shift_hours_by_event_type_1109|* 
User Shift Hours by all Event types *|user_shift_hours_by_event_type|* 
User First Attended Shift Date *|user_first_attended_shift_date|* 
User Last Attended Shift Date *|user_last_attended_shift_date|*
User Confirm Shifts Between Dates *|user_confirm_shifts_between:after|before|*
User Reject Shifts Between Dates *|user_decline_shifts_between:after|before|*



Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Name *|account_name|* 
Address *|account_address|* 
Contact First Name *|contact_firstname|* 
Account Primary URL *|account_url|*
Reply To Email Address *|account_reply_to|* 
Status Reason *|account_status_reason|*



Event fields can only be populated if sent from the Shift List.


Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Name (Events) *|event_name|*
Description (Events) *|event_description|*
Address (Events) *|event_address|* 
Status (Events) *|event_status|*
Timezone (Events) *|event_timezone|*
Start Date/Time (Events) *|event_start_timestamp|*
Start Date/Time Date (Events) *|event_start_timestamp__date|*
Start Date/Time Time (Events) *|event_start_timestamp__time|*
Start Date/Time Offset (Events) *|event_start_timestamp__offset|* 
End Date/Time (Events) *|event_end_timestamp|* 
End Date/Time Date (Events) *|event_end_timestamp__date|*
End Date/Time Time (Events) *|event_end_timestamp__time|*
End Date/Time Offset (Events) *|event_end_timestamp__offset|*
Applications Open Date/Time (Events) *|event_apps_open_timestamp|*
Applications Open Date/Time Date (Events) *|event_apps_open_timestamp__date|*
Applications Open Date/Time Time (Events) *|event_apps_open_timestamp__time|* 
Applications Open Date/Time Offset (Events) *|event_apps_open_timestamp__offset|* 
Applications Close Date/Time (Events) *|event_apps_close_timestamp|* 
Applications Close Date/Time Date (Events) *|event_apps_close_timestamp__date|* 
Applications Close Date/Time Time (Events) *|event_apps_close_timestamp__time|* 
Applications Close Date/Time Offset (Events) *|event_apps_close_timestamp__offset|* 
Created At (Events) *|event_created_at|* 
Updated At (Events) *|event_updated_at|*
Portal URL (Events) *|event_portal_url|* 
Events Tags (Events) *|event_tags|* 
Sort Order (Events) *|event_sort_order|*
Default Cancel Expression of Interest Form *|event_cancel_expression_of_interest_form_id|*
Shift Withdraw Form (Events) *|event_shift_withdraw_form_id_default|* 
Post Feedback (Events) *|event_post_feedback|*
Confirms all Shifts *|event_confirmation_link|* 
Rejects all Shifts *|event_reject_link|* 
Event Shift Info (Custom)  *|custom_event_shift_info|*

Note: Event Shift Info is a Custom Merge Tag that repeats the shift info.


Event User


Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Event User Status ID (Event User) *|event_user_event_user_status_id|*
Cancel Expression of Interest (Event User) *|event_cancel_eoi_link|* 
Event Confirmation Link (Event User) *|event_confirmation_link|* 
Rosters Reject Link (Event User) *|event_reject_link|* 
Shift User Info (Custom) *|custom_shift_user_info|*

Note: Shift User Info is a Custom Merge Tag that repeats the shift info.


Event Shift

Event Shift fields can only be populated if sent from the Shift List.


Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Name (Events Shift) *|event_shift_name|* 
Description (Events Shift) *|event_shift_event_shift_description|* 
Address (Events Shift) *|event_shift_address|* 
Timezone (Events Shift) *|event_shift_timezone|*
Start Date/Time (Events Shift) *|event_shift_start_timestamp|* 
Start Date/Time Date (Events Shift) *|event_shift_start_timestamp__date|*
Start Date/Time Time (Events Shift) *|event_shift_start_timestamp__time|* 
Start Date/Time Offset (Events Shift) *|event_shift_start_timestamp__offset|*
End Date/Time (Events Shift) *|event_shift_end_timestamp|*
End Date/Time Date (Events Shift) *|event_shift_end_timestamp__date|*
End Date/Time Time (Events Shift) *|event_shift_end_timestamp__time|*
End Date/Time Offset (Events Shift) *|event_shift_end_timestamp__offset|*
Applications Open Date/Time (Events Shift) *|event_shift_apps_open_timestamp|*
Applications Open Date/Time Date (Events Shift) *|event_shift_apps_open_timestamp__date|*
Applications Open Date/Time Time (Events Shift) *|event_shift_apps_open_timestamp__time|*
Applications Open Date/Time Offset (Events Shift) *|event_shift_apps_open_timestamp__offset|* 
Applications Close Date/Time (Events Shift) *|event_shift_apps_close_timestamp|* 
Applications Close Date/Time Date (Events Shift) *|event_shift_apps_close_timestamp__date|* 
Applications Close Date/Time Time (Events Shift)) *|event_shift_apps_close_timestamp__time|* 
Applications Close Date/Time Offset (Events Shift) *|event_shift_apps_close_timestamp__offset|* 
Created At (Events Shift) *|event_shift_created_at|* 
Updated At (Events Shift) *|event_shift_updated_at|*
Linked Shifts Name (Events Shift) *|event_shift_link_name|* 
Minimum Demand (Events Shift) *|event_shift_min_demand|* 
Maximum Demand (Events Shift) *|event_shift_max_demand|* 
Public (Events Shift) *|event_shift_public|*
Publish (Events Shift) *|event_shift_publish|*
Cost Description (Events Shift) *|event_shift_cost_description|* 
Price (Excluding Tax) (Events Shift) *|event_shift_price_excluding_tax|*
Tax Amount (Events Shift) *|event_shift_tax|*
Total Amount (Events Shift) *|total_amount|* 
Shift Template (Events Shift) *|event_shift_event_shift_template_id|* 
Shift Withdraw Form (Events Shift) *|event_shift_shift_withdraw_form_id|*
Event Shifts Information (Custom) *|custom_event_shifts|*

Note: Event Shifts Information is a Custom Merge Tag that repeats the shift info.


Event Shift User

Event Shift User fields can only be populated if sent from the Shift User.


Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Event Shift Status (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_event_shift_status_id|* 
Shift Confirmation Link (Event Shift User) *|shift_confirmation_link|* 
Shift Accept Link (Event Shift User) *|shift_accept_link|* 
Shift Reject Link (Event Shift User) *|shift_reject_link|*
Shift Check-in Link (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_checkin_link|* 
Shift Check-out Link (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_checkout_link|*
Add Shift to Calendar Link (Event Shift User) *|shift_calendar_link|* 
Check-In Date/Time (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_start_timestamp|*
Check-In Date/Time Date (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_start_timestamp__date|*
Check-In Date/Time Time (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_start_timestamp__time|*
Check-In Date/Time Offset (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_start_timestamp__offset|* 
Check-Out Date/Time (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_end_timestamp|* 
Check-Out Date/Time Date (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_end_timestamp__date|* 
Check-Out Date/Time Time (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_end_timestamp__time|*
Check-Out Date/Time Offset (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_end_timestamp__offset|*
Shift User Created Date (Event Shift User) *|shift_user_created_at|* 
Shift User ID (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_id|* 
Timesheet Status (Event Shift User) *|event_shift_user_timesheet_status|*
Shift Info (Custom) *|custom_event_shift_info|*
Shift Users By Shift (Custom) *|custom_shift_users_by_shift|*

Note: Shift Info / Shift Users By Shift are Custom Merge Tags and will display all the Shift Info.




Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Functional Area Name *|headcount_functional_area_frontend_name|* 
Job Title Name *|headcount_functional_area_job_title_frontend_name|*
Job Title Description *|headcount_functional_area_job_title_description|*
Location Name *|headcount_location_frontend_name|*
Venue Name *|headcount_location_venue_frontend_name|*
Venue Description *|headcount_location_venue_description|*


 Role Offers


Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Role Offer Name *|role_offer_frontend_name|
Role Offer Report Name *|role_offer_name|*
Role Offer Description *|role_offer_description|* 
Allow Withdrawals Until *|role_offer_withdraw_close_timestamp|* 
Allow Withdrawals Until Date
Allow Withdrawals Until Time *|role_offer_withdraw_close_timestamp__time|* 
Allow Withdrawals Until Offset *|role_offer_withdraw_close_timestamp__offset|* 
Withdraw Form *|role_offer_withdraw_form_id|*
Allow Refunds *|role_offer_is_refund_allowed|*
Publish Status (Y/N) *|role_offer_publish|* 
Role Offer Tags *|role_offer_tags|* 


Role Offer User


Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Role Offer User Status *|role_offer_user_status_id|*
Role Offer User Accept Link *|role_offer_accept_link|* 
Role Offer User Reject Link *|role_offer_reject_link|* 
Role Offer Waitlist Accept Link *|role_offer_user_still_interested|* 
Role Offer Waitlist Reject Link *|role_offer_user_not_interested|*
Role Offer User ID *|role_offer_user_id|*
Role Offer User Feedback *|role_offer_user_feedback|*


Reward and Recognition Item


Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Item Name *|inventory_item_name|* 
Item Quantity *|inventory_item_quantity|*
Item has Quantity (Y/N) *|inventory_item_has_quantity|*
Item is Distributable (Y/N) *|inventory_item_is_distributable_at_checkin_checkout|*
Serial *|inventory_item_user_serial|*


Reference Check


Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Referee Name *|bgc_reference_referee_name|*
Reference Check Form Link *|bgc_reference_form_link|* 




Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Training Name *|training_name|* 
Training Completed At *|training_completed_at|* 
Training Certificate Link *|training_certificate_link|* 
Training Submission Email *|training_submission_email|* 




Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Bundle Name *|headcount_location_frontend_name|*
Bundle Template Name *|inventory_bundle_template_name|* 




Field Name Mail Merge Tag
Summary Name *|summary_name|* 
Summary ID *|summary_id|*