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  2. Events, Shifts & Scheduling

Journeys on Shifts

Take recruitment and onboarding to the next level by incorporating Journey's into shifts. This allows for purpose-built onboarding experiences for specific shifts.


Journeys on Shifts

Users can now engage in a Journey experience while managing their Shifts.

When a user applies for or is assigned to a Shift that includes a Journey, they will now notice a Journey Progress button within the portal, enabling them to track their journey steps easily.

A pop-up will appear, outlining the journey and detailing the criteria needed to complete each step.

Image of the Journey Progress bar in the Volunteer Portal

Image of the Shift Journey Pop-up.


Enabling Journeys on Shifts

To enable Journeys to be used within Shifts, you will need update the Organization setting, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Organization Settings > Events.
  2. Locate or search for Enable Journeys for Shift applications.
  3. Toggle Use Default? to the off position, this will enable you to update the field.
  4. Update Enable Journeys for Shift applications to Yes.

Image of the Journeys on Shift Organisation Settings.


Creating the Shift Journey

Before creating the shift, you will need to create the Shift Journey, the journey is set up the same as Role Application Journeys, there are detailed instructions on how to create a journey on this article.

Once you have created the applicable journey that you would like to use for the shift, you can progress to creating the shift.


Creating a Shift with a Shift Journey

Once you have enabled the Organization Setting and created the Journey, you will be able to use journeys within shift applications.

When creating the shift, an additional field will now be available, Journey, this is where you input the Journey name.


Note: You are unable to assign a journey to a shift after it has been created.


Administrators Journey Progress View

Admins are able to track a users progress on a journey within a shift, this is available within the Shift User listing.

To access the Shift User listing, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Event > click View Shifts.
  2. Locate the Shift you would like to view > click View Users.
  3. You will be taken to the Shift User List, here you will be able to see the full list of Users that have applied for this specific shift. To see the progress of the journey, select More actions > Review Application.

Image of reviewing Application on Journey on shifts.