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  2. Events, Shifts & Scheduling

How to highlight & sort shifts in the volunteer portal (shift types)


Highlighting/Labelling Shifts
To better highlight and label certain shifts, you are able to create 'Shift Types'. This is useful for clearly highlighting the different type of shifts you are offering (i.e pre-event, evening shifts or medical).

Navigate to Events > Shifts > and select the second tab 'Types'



Once in Shift Types, select create button in the top right to create a new Shift Type.

In this example I have created a new shift type for Medical, and have chosen Blue as my highlight colour. 
Medical Shift Type

To assign the Shift Type to a shift, navigate to the Advanced Tab and select the 'Shift Type' at the very top. 

Click Save.

Screen Shot 2021-06-18 at 9.03.59 am

Shift Sort Order
To ensure a shift is shown at the top of the list, I can choose the Sort Order at the bottom of the General Tab - Your lowest number ie; 1, will be shown at the top and your highest number ie; 100, will be sorted at the bottom of your shifts.

Sort Order

Once saved, available highlighted shifts will be viewable for any users within Rosterfy

Highlighted shifts