Google Analytics Integration

Rosterfy + Google Analytics integrations allows you to obtain live and historic metics for your organisation.


Google Analytics (1)

Google Analytics Integration

Rosterfy + Google Analytics integrations allows you to obtain live and historic metics for your organisation.

Keep track of page view duration, device used, social referral and location of device for example.


Note: Please keep in mind that some integrations may require extra support or incur additional costs for implementation with your Rosterfy subscription.


Setting up the Integration

To setup the integration, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Organisation Settings in Rosterfy.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Either scroll and locate or search for Google Analytics - Tracking ID.
  4. Input your Google Analytic Tracking ID and the integration will be enabled.



What are the Limitations?

  • The historic data is only available from when the integration has been enabled.


For more information on available integrations, check out the Integrations - Overview article.