General Settings

The General settings tab serves as the foundational configuration area for your Rosterfy instance, encompassing a wide range of settings that impact the overall user experience and functionality of the platform.


General Settings

By customising these settings, you can tailor the platform to better suit the specific needs and preferences of your organisation, enabling a more effective and efficient use of the system.

Most settings will initially be configured with our recommended defaults. To modify any of these defaults, simply uncheck the Use Default toggle.


Note: Some of these settings may not be available to you based on the license you have or the permissions you have in the Rosterfy platform. Please contact Rosterfy if you require additional access.


To customise the General settings, navigate to Settings > Organization Settings, the General settings tab will be the first tab in the Organization Settings.



Available Locales

The selected Available Locales determine the languages in which your Rosterfy instance will be accessible. If you will require sending communications in multiple languages, make sure to select the desired locales here.

Note: Each locale you select will require all content for communications to be written for each language.


Default Locale

The Default Locale determines the standard format for displaying dates, times, distances, and currencies throughout the Rosterfy platform.


Default Timezone

The Default Timezone is set to determine the timezone for all Shifts and Schedules within the Rosterfy platform.


Approved Countries

This list will control the choice of countries available in drop down lists throughout Rosterfy. This is helpful if you want to restrict the registration of users to certain countries.


Default Country

The Default Country setting influences the selections available in country and state dropdown lists, as well as the formatting for expected phone numbers within the Rosterfy platform.


Start Day of the Week

This setting will determine how Rosterfy calculates the total hours a user has been scheduled over a weekly period.


For information on more settings in Rosterfy, check out the Organization Settings - Overview article.