Emailing a Group of Users

Rosterfy enables you to easily communicate with groups of users. You can conveniently send emails to all users within a group directly from the groups list or from within a specific group's page.

How to email a Group of Users

  1. To email to a group, navigate to the Users tab > Groups.
  2. Locate the group you wish to communicate with, click More Actions > Send Communication.
    Emailing Group
  3. On the Send Communications page choose Email. This will take you to the Content page where you can either select an email template or manually input the email details.
  4. Once you are satisfied with the content, click Next to proceed to the Recipients page. Here, confirm the recipients of the email and make any necessary additions or removals before clicking Next.
  5. On the Confirm page, you have the option to either Confirm and Send the email immediately or choose to Schedule for Later. If scheduling for later, input the desired date and time before selecting Confirm and Send.

You will receive a confirmation notification that your email has been sent or scheduled.

Note: Rosterfy will limit emails to 1500 recipients per send to avoid your email being considered as Spam by email providers. If you need to communicate with more than 1500 users, you can do this by splitting the users into smaller groups. For more information on how to do this, check out Segmenting Users.

For more information on emails, check out the Emails Overview article.