Email History and Engagement Tracking

Rosterfy's email history allows you to track all email communications that are sent, and stores a 12 month history within the platform.

Email History

To access the history of emails, navigate to Communications > Email and select History from the top menu.

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Email History is broken down into 2 sections, Emails and Recipients, allowing you to see the communication based on the emails being sent or based on the individual recipients.

Email History provides feedback on all emails sent out from Rosterfy. This includes the status of the email, so you can track any emails that bounce or are sent to invalid email addresses. You can also resend emails, and view the contents of previous emails.

Note: All communication history to an individual user can also be found on their profile page, under Communications. For more information, check out Email history of Specific Users


Engagement Tracking

The Rosterfy Email History provides an insight into the sending metrics of your communications, Rosterfy utilises Amazon Simple Email Services (Amazon SES) for our email communications and as such, you are informed of a number of factors including:

Total Recipients: Total number of recipients email addresses attempted to communicate with.

Processed: Amazon SES will attempt to deliver to the recipient’s mail server.

Success: Successful delivery of email to the recipient’s mail server.

Failed: Failed delivery of email to the recipient’s mail server.

Opens: The recipient received the message and opened it in their email client.

Clicks: The recipient clicked one or more links in the email.


Email Status

Emails sent from Rosterfy can have a number of different statuses that you may come across while looking at the history:

Sent: The email has been sent and delivered to the inbox of the user.

Scheduled: The email has been successfully scheduled for a later time to be sent.

Queued: The email will be sent as soon as possible.  The system is limited by how many emails it can send per second, therefore sending thousands may require a minute or two to process the queue. They will all be sent eventually. The feedback from our supplier can also take a few minutes to update the Rosterfy platform of a successful send so this status may appear for a short period of time.

Soft Bounce: The email was sent to an inbox that did not accept the email. This could be because the inbox is full or the inbox does not exist on that domain.

Hard Bounce: The email was sent to a domain that does not exist.

Spam: The email has been marked as Spam by the user.

Rejected: The email has been sent to an email inbox that has previously blocked, or marked your emails as Spam.

For more information regarding email bounces, take a look the Bounce Definitions article.

It is possible to filter the Email History list by the following columns:

  • ID
  • Subject
  • Scheduled At (Date/Time)
  • Sent At (Date/Time)
  • Template

The Recipients History can also be filtered by the following columns:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Subject
  • Date From
  • Date To
  • Email Status

Note: Date/Time filter is based on the logged in User's timezone, which may differ from the default account timezone.

For more information about Emails within Rosterfy, check out the Emails Overview article.