Docusign Integration

Need to send contracts and forms that need signature sign off to Rosterfy Users? Our Rosterfy + Docusign integration makes this seamless.



Docusign Integration

Need to send contracts and forms that need signature sign off to Rosterfy Users?

Our Rosterfy + Docusign integration makes this seamless.

Rosterfy stores a list of contracts on Rosterfy. An automation actions allows an end-user to be sent a contract to sign. When the signing is complete, Docusign feeds this information back to Rosterfy which can trigger another automation. 

The Rosterfy + Docusign integration provides 4 main functions between the two platforms:

  • Sending templates from within Docusign to go to Rosterfy users based on a trigger from within Rosterfy.

  • Synchronising the status of a contract in Docusign with Rosterfy, and on a contract being completed, trigger additional automated functionality.

  • Extracting data out of a completed contract back into Rosterfy to update specific fields.

  • Updating certain Docusign fields based on data in Rosterfy.

Note: Please keep in mind that some integrations may require extra support or incur additional costs for implementation with your Rosterfy subscription.


What are the Limitations?

  • You can use the Docusign feature Connect in real time as well, however this will send all Docusign updates on your account to Rosterfy. So please consider any wider business uses of Docusign before implementing this.


For more information on available integrations, check out the Integrations - Overview article.