Asurint Integration

Perform background checks with ease using the integration between Rosterfy and Asurint.


Asurint Background Screening Solutions

Asurint Integration

Perform background checks with ease using the integration between Rosterfy and Asurint.

You can receive updates on background checks directly into Rosterfy to automate your user journey.


Note: Please keep in mind that some integrations may require extra support or incur additional costs for implementation with your Rosterfy subscription.


Setting up the Integration

To setup the integration, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations in Rosterfy.
  2. Search for Asurint and select Enable > Authorize.
  3. Login using your Asurint admin credentials in the pop up window.


After enabling the integration, you can easily input the necessary information to configure your Asurint account.


A list of available packages will appear, along with the relevant URL. These URLs can be shared with users via an email or the portal dashboard to commence the background check process.

A credit check status will be displayed on the user's profile once they have completed and submitted their background check.


What are the Limitations?

  • Available in the US only.


For more information on available integrations, check out the Integrations - Overview article.