Airtable Integration

Connect Rosterfy to your Airtable bases to create your own visualisations in Airtable.


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Airtable Integration

Connect Rosterfy to your Airtable bases to create your own visualisations in Airtable.

You can synchronise data fields from Rosterfy modules; Users, Role Offers and Role Offer Users into Airtable tables. 


Note: Please keep in mind that some integrations may require extra support or incur additional costs for implementation with your Rosterfy subscription.


What are the Limitations?

  • The integration is one way only.
  • Limited to User, Role Offer & Role Offer User modules.
  • Columns chosen in Rosterfy must exist on Airtable.
  • Options for drop downs must exist on Airtable.


For more information on available integrations, check out the Integrations - Overview article.