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Admin Console - Overview

The Rosterfy admin console provides a centralised hub for administrators to access all tools and features for effective portal management. This includes overseeing user accounts, creating and managing events, scheduling shifts, & tracking progress.


Admin Console Overview

The Rostery admin console is broken down into 3 main areas, these are:

  • The navigation bar
  • The side menu
  • The content pane

It is important to familiarise yourself with these 3 areas of the platform as they will be frequently mentioned in help articles and during your onboarding by Rosterfy staff.

Getting comfortable with navigating and using them is key as you begin your journey with Rosterfy.

Admin Console GIF


The Navigation Bar

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The Rosterfy navigation bar is made up of a number of components, from left to right:

  • Logo (Monochrome): This logo can be updated in Organization Settings > Branding, for more information, check out the Brand Customisations article.
  • Breadcrumb menu: This menu allows for easy navigation to previous screens.
  • Tutorial toggle: This icon will allow you to toggle the tutorial mode on and off. Tutorial mode will provide some additional information on the content of the current page and may provide a link to helpful knowledge base articles.
  • Search bar: The search bar provides a global search of the entire platform, allowing you to quickly navigate to a User, Event or Shift, etc.
  • Support channel: The question mark button will launch this knowledge base for assistance with Rosterfy.
  • Notifications centre: The notification icon provides administrator notifications, such as updates on reports, imports and communications.
  • Settings menu: The profile icon/picture allows the logged in user to manage their own account, including assistance mode, viewing the portal and logging out.


The Side Menu

The side menu, also known as the hamburger menu, displays all the Rosterfy modules accessible to your account. Each module heading can be expanded to reveal additional menu options and pages.

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It's important to keep in mind that the module names shown are the default ones used by Rosterfy. However, your organisation may have customised them, leading to variations in how they appear on the portal.

Even if the names are different, the icons for each module remain consistent. So, if your portal looks different, always refer to the module icons when using knowledge base articles for guidance.

You can learn more about each module in the knowledge base articles, by searching the applicable terms.

Note: The Resource Centre provides useful product walkthroughs and updates on what's new in Rosterfy. You are also able to submit your own product feature requests here.


The Content Pane

The content pane of the admin console is where the core functions and operations of the Rosterfy system come to life.

Here, you will interact with various elements such as forms, templates, lists, widgets, and more, all designed to streamline and enhance your management of the platform.

Whether you are creating schedules, managing user data, or organising events, the content pane serves as the central hub for executing tasks and accessing vital information.