Case Study: Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK are able to communicate and manage volunteers as a whole organisation in a time saving and simplified manner with Rosterfy

When you're able to communicate better across your charity, because of the improved visibility and tools your volunteer management software platform offers, then your whole organisation benefits. 

Introducing Rosterfy to Child Bereavement UK has not only reduced the amount of time spent on admin but improved the whole volunteer journey.

Who are Child Bereavement UK?

Child Bereavement UK helps families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. The charity supports children and young people (up to the age of 25) when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.

Lorna Murchie, Fundraising Partnership and Engagement Manager said: “Child Bereavement UK offers support for families, parents and children to rebuild their lives following a bereavement. We can’t change what’s happened, but we can help families build the resilience to help them face the future.”

In the last year, Child Bereavement UK provided over 8000 support sessions for children, young people, couples and families, and delivered 299 training courses, training nearly 6000 professionals including teachers, doctors, social workers and emergency services.

The challenges they face

Child Bereavement UK has seen the fallout of the pandemic not only in increased demand for its services but also in the complex nature of people’s bereavements. Restrictions and measures put in place during the pandemic prevented many bereaved people from accessing the support of family and friends and from attending funerals and saying goodbye as they would have wished to. 

Child Bereavement UK responded to the pandemic by finding new ways to support people online and now operates a hybrid model, providing support both face-to-face and remote support.  


Child Bereavement UK turned to Rosterfy

The team is committed to offering the best volunteering experience possible and their ambition was to work more closely with volunteers, growing the volunteer program and keeping volunteers engaged. 

However, before using Rosterfy, volunteering administration processes were onerous, based mainly on spreadsheets. 

The charity used volunteers across the organisation but there was no centralised system. It was recognised that a single, all-in-one platform to communicate opportunities was needed to achieve - as Lorna describes it - “a whole charity approach to volunteering.”


Lorna's advice for those interested in Rosterfy

When asked about how Lorna migrated Child Bereavement UK’s volunteering program to Rosterfy she said “One of the most challenging things you’ll come across when going from zero to a platform like Rosterfy is gathering all the information you need from all the different areas within your organisation.

We didn’t have anyone internally coordinating the whole volunteering experience, so the first action was to set up a working group.”

"We were supported by Rosterfy's Customer Success team who were very helpful in training our team, they helped us in setting bespoke volunteer pathways for our department needs." 
Lorna Murchie, Fundraising Partnership and Engagement Manager, Child Bereavement UK

Lorna recognised that everyone across Child Bereavement UK’s services had different requirements. It was important they were given an opportunity to highlight what was important to them. For example, some services put an emphasis on screening whilst for others, which for other services was not a concern.  

For Child Bereavement UK, getting buy-in across the organisation was achievable by having a single, easy-to-use system for sharing volunteer information. “You adapt as you go, you learn as you expand, but when you’re putting in place processes or automation that works for everyone, then everyone benefits,” confirms Lorna.

“It’s going to take work initially, you’re going to have to be prepared for that, but once you have Rosterfy in place it’s so much easier. Acknowledge that the people in your organisation have other deadlines. but if you can get this right it’s going to be so much better for everyone.”


The impact of Rosterfy

“We’ve had such brilliant feedback from all departments about Rosterfy, everything runs smoothly,” said Lorna.

Child Bereavement UK is able to communicate as a whole organisation to their volunteers in a simplified and time-efficient manner. Now everyone follows processes, and because of automation, no one misses training or important communication.

When asked how they intend to measure the return on investment from Rosterfy, Lorna said “It’s hard for many organisations to measure the difference in impact, particularly because they probably weren’t collecting much data prior to having Rosterfy. But now we’re able to start collecting insights and it builds a picture of the hours offered by volunteers, the time saved and how our volunteer programs contribute towards the success of the charity.”


"Now we're able to start collecting insights and it builds a picture of the hours offered by volunteers"
Lorna Murchie, Fundraising Partnership and Engagement Manager, Child Bereavement UK


Lorna said, “One thing we know we can measure and where we can see the difference is the impact Rosterfy has on the likelihood of our volunteers recommending volunteering at Child Bereavement UK to a friend.”

Over the last year we have improved our processes for communicating with our volunteers and we’ve seen greater satisfaction among volunteers as a result. Rosterfy has been a big part of making this possible.

Lorna believes a lot of the increased satisfaction and engagement their volunteers are experiencing comes from the increased visibility of opportunities, volunteering more often, and receiving more frequent and timely communication.


More on Child Bereavement UK

You can find out more about Child Bereavement UK and the truly brilliant work they do by visiting their website https://www.childbereavementuk.org

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